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CarPro Merino Wool Wash Mitt


The CarPro Merino Wool Wash Mitt is the ultimate in luxurious gentle auto wash tools and is a must have for anyone who loves their vehicle or cares for their quality of work they provide on others!  It's one of my favorite products and by far the best mitt I have ever used. For those that like to be able to get in and out of the mitt without using your other hand this is a great feature.  For instance: with the mitt on a horizontal panel you can easily remove your hand with no effort whatsoever.  At the same time the mitt never slips off on it’s own.  Another benefit of this design is the pocket doesn’t rob wash solution at each visit to the bucket.  The stitching of this hand pocket is very durable.


Our CarPro Wool Wash Mitt is specifically designed to offer all of the benefits of the most gentle wool available (100% Merino Wool) without the drawbacks of other wool mitts.  Unlike other large Merino Mitts our Mitt has a pocket for your hand which creates three distinct advantages. 

  • This aids in how simple it is to remove your hand from the mitt
  • Mitt easily dries out to avoid rotting like other wool mitts
  • Restricts the mitt from coming off your hand without consent
  • The backing of the CarPro Mitt is a key part of its design along with the incredible soft Merino Wool.  



  • Easy on/off but dependable backing for your hand
  • Super thick pile
  • Paint Safe – Extremely Soft and Gentle
  • Easy Rinse - Particles collected by the fibers are easily released
  • Durability - Stitching and backing extremely durable as well

CarPro Merino Wool Wash Mitt

  • Washing Tips:

    • Fill 5 gallon bucket 3/4 to the top
    • Measure prescribed amount of car wash 
    • Mix well with your arm
    • Spray with hose to activate suds
    • Spray down entire vehicle to remove all loose dirt
    • Gently Wash from top down rinsing mitt out often
    • Rinse Mitt in seperate rinse bucket with up and down motion - Always before placing it back in wash bucket to collect more solution
    • Aggressive scrubbing actions should not be used.  Simply allow the mitt to glide back and forth.  Use a bug sponge for bugs that have been baked onto the paint.
    • Use a seperate mitt for wheels with its own dedicated bucket
    • 100% Australian Merino Wool
    • Size: 10" x 6" +/-
    • Strand Length: 2 3/8" +/-
    • Texture:  Extremely soft
    • Color: White with black backing for your hand

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