1585 Britannia Road East Unit B2
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 2M4
Note: We are located in Unit 1&2 in Building B in the complex.
Monday: 9AM to 4PM
Tuesday: 9AM to 4PM
Wednesday: 9AM to 4PM
Thursday: 9AM to 7PM
Friday: 9AM to 7PM
Saturday: 9AM to 6PM
Sunday: 9AM to 3PM
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3D Wipe
Koch Chemie Qs Quick & Shine - 1 L
Koch Chemie Qf Quick Finish - 1 L
MaxShine 6" Clay Pad
MaxShine Clay Mitt - Fine
McLaren Iron Remover - 5L
McLaren Gel Water Spot Remover- 1L
McLaren Tar & Glue Remover - 5L
McLaren Surface Preparation - 5L
3D Bug Remover Wipes - 100 pk
Sonax PPF + Vinyl Detailer - 500 ml
Sonax PPF + Vinyl Cleaner - 750 ml
Gyeon Iron Redefined (Low Odor)
Gyeon Tar Redefined
Sonax Clay Ball
3D GLW Iron Remover
Gtechniq W9 Water Spot Remover - 500 ml
Gyeon Total Remover
Collinite 415 Color-Up - 16 oz
Griot's Garage Fine Point Foam Swabs - 50 pk
Yum Cars Clay Block
Koch Chemie Insect & Dirt - 750 ml
Rupes Reveal Lite - 750 ml
Rupes Reveal Strong - 750 ml
P&S Iron Buster
Koch Chemie Panel Preparation Spray - 500 ml
Koch Chemie Reactive Rust Remover
Koch Chemie Teerwasche A
CarPro PolyShave Decontamination Towel
SM Arnold Professional Dual-Tipped Cotton Detailing Stix - 100 pk
3D Eraser Gel Water Spot Remover - 16 oz
3D Bug Remover
McLaren F1 Paste Wax Kit
Gtechniq Ceramic Bike Kit
3M Scotch-Brite Stripe Off Wheel W/Attachment Hardware
Koch Chemie Cls Clay Spray - 500 ml
Koch Chemie Eulex - 1L
CarPro Release
Griot's Garage Citrus All Purpose Cleaner
Griot's Garage Water Spot Remover - 22 oz
Sonax Car Duster
Griot's Garage Microfiber Dash Duster
Griot's Garage Cotton Car Duster
Gyeon APC Concentrated All-Purpose Cleaner
Gyeon Bug & Grime Remover
Griot's Garage Four Finger Mesh Mittens - Set of 2
Meguiar's Bug & Tar Remover - 15 oz
Griot's Garage Surface Prep Cleanser
CarPro Descale
Griot's Garage Tar & Sap Remover
P&S Dream Maker Gloss Amplifier
Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Rapid-Decon All Wheel Cleaner
Griot's Garage 3-in-1 Tar-Bug-Sap Remover - 13 oz
Gtechniq QD Quick Detailer
Gtechniq W8 Bug Remover
Gtechniq Marine Water Spot Remover - 500 ml
CarPro Spotless 2.0 Water Spot Remover
CarPro Bug Out
P21s Total Auto Wash
Gyeon Quick Detailer